Woodbury Historical Society

Rushmore Memorial Library


About WHS

Town History

Local History Library

Local History Files

Local Genealogy Files

Subject Files for
Town History

Government Files

Microfilm Index

Research Inquiries

Calendar of Events

The Gatehouse

Picture Gallery

Newsletter Articles

Meeting Minutes



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Historical Society

543 Route 32
PO Box 30
Highland Mills, NY 10930

The Gatehouse
224 Smith Clove Rd.
Highland Mills, NY 10930
(next to Falkirk
Golf Course)



Town History Files

The Town of Woodbury, which is comprised of the hamlets of Central Valley, Highland Mills, and the forgotten Woodbury Falls, is rich in history. As people have entered and left our community over a period extending several centuries, the artifacts and memories they have left behind have created the core of our archives. Our collection features the following items open to public research inquiries:

Extensive Documents Relating to Historic Families, Businesses, Industries, and Municipal Departments

Genealogical Family Cards, Catalogued Obituaries, and Books on Family History

Over 1,000 Original Photographs and Postcards from the Town of Woodbury

Literature on both Local and Orange County History

Maps from the Town of Woodbury

Unusual Artifacts, Including Glass Bottles, Vintage Advertising, Ephemera, Give-Aways, and More

Some of our items in large collections are kept in archival safe acid-free boxes. The ones above are designated for business/organizations/locations around Woodbury.

Please see this list for some of the more prominent topics that are preserved in our archives:

Arden House / E. H. Harriman

Bud Burgunder Collections

Businesses in the Town of Woodbury

Cornell Family History

Cromwell Family History

Earl Family History

Falkirk Estate and Hospital

Fishing Line and Rod Manufacturers (Hall, Leonard, & Payne)

Frederick Freeman Proctor / Proctoria / The Gatehouse

Gregory Family Collections

Hollenbeck Family History

Hotels, Boarding Houses, and Bungalow Colonies from 1890-1960

Railroad History / Erie Railroad

Richard Haylock Collection of Local History

Rushmore Estate / Charles E. Rushmore

School District History, both Pre and Post-Consolidation — Yearbooks

Tomas Estrada Palma

Woodbury Common

One area of wall space at the Woodbury Historical Society is dedicated to works from local artists new and old alike.

Contact the Woodbury Historical Society at (845) 928-6770 e-mail us at woodbury1889@optonline.net for more information or to schedule an appointment to view our files, images, or other collections. 


The Rushmore Memorial Library
by President Alex Prizgintas

In a Woodbury Minute
by President Alex Prizgintas

The Rushmore Estate
by President Alex Prizgintas

Our thanks to President Alex Prizgintas, for putting these together.

Introduction: A Walk Through Woodbury 

Episode 1: The Forgotten Dairies of Woodbury

Episode 2: The Jewish Bungalow Colonies of Woodbury

Episode 3: When The Railroad Came to Woodbury

Episode 4: Famouse Residents

Episode 5: Hotels of Woodbury

Episode 6: Ethan I. Dodds, Woodbury’s Nationally Famous Inventor

Episode 7: The Boarding Houses of Woodbury

Woodbury Historical Society president Alex Prizgintas, trustee Viktor Prizgintas, and town historian Leslie Rose interview former trustee and long-time Woodbury resident Walter Stanfield, who sadly passed away in 2021. His memories are frequently featured on the societys podcast series, A Walk Through Woodbury.

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